About Us
EL’EN Education Trust, a registered general purpose charitable trust has been contributing in a small manner to the society since 2000. Besides a kindergarten school, a hostel for youth settling down in a city, volunteers of the Trust have marshaled funds for a paraplegic sportsman to get over 13 World class medals for India, a plucky girl wrestler to win two international Bronzes, cancer screening of 2,800 workers, publication of the works of Sri Ramanujacharya for the Sanskrit University, assisted in installation of solar water heaters for the Association of the Physically Disabled, solar power panels for the National Association for the Blind, youth empowerment programmes and a myriad of such reach-outs to the society. A particular focus has been towards development of innovative technologies such as the diyastar.com and blanksolutions.in.
Setting up the Serene Longevity Resort is the latest reach out in this vital need of our society today. The primary aim is to establish a sustainable model to be able to sponsor creation of an separate Dignity Resort for care giving to destitute in their old age bereft of any guardian.
About the Serene Longevity Resort
Bookings for 20 fully assisted residents for the primary care giving facility has been opened. In addition, 20 Club Serene Members who are soulfully alone will be invited to join community for a rejuvenating stay in the Resort at a very comfortable cost. Once this initiative is subscribed, the Dignity Resort for destitute will be spawned in a nearby campus (land acquired). Do let us know if you wish to support the Dignity Resort or participate in the Serene Longevity Resort or do volunteering with the Club Serene.
Art & Culture
Beauty & Health
Club Serene
One of the objectives of the Club will be to bring about a camaraderie with new friends who can bring more meaning into your life. The World is the canvas and longevity its outcome.

Life is a very small dot in the paradigm of time. The transition of life into different dimensions in a matrix of maya is something beyond the horizon of thoughts, space and time…
“Everything you can imagine is real”
Pablo Picasso