Facilities & Services
in Club Serene for Members
A home away from home for Club Serene Members
Club Serene Members are the Guardians of the Total Care Facility in the Serene Longevity Resort which would provide succor to those seniors whose motor ability is next to zero, but are mentally alert and awake to the World around them. The facility is also open for those recovering from motor debilities caused by stroke or accident. Club Serene Members are also the driving force for empowerment of rural youth and women to change lives by investing into their ideas and mentoring them into successful business ventures.
The proceeds of the Total Care Facility, and donations from business ventures incubated will be utilized to create and maintain a Serene Dignity Resort to accommodate destitute senior citizen free of cost at a neighboring facility to be created.
Club Serene Members will have the following facilities:
1. Periodic forays into rural Bengal to enjoy a serene getaway, as though in your own farmhouse inside a herb garden.
2. Stay in club guestrooms with modern amenities.
3. Digital participation to invest in business ideas, teach online, mentor while you earn revenues.
4. Personal Assistance in Asset Management & Regulatory Compliance., and online secretarial & reminder services.
5. Priority Allocation of Total Care Facilities if required, though we wish well for a clean transition.
6. Subscription to Healthy Herbs elixirs and immunity enhancing recommendations.
7. Home delivery of bi-weekly veggies and herbs and other foods (right now, only available in Kolkata).
8. And etcetra from time to time.

Many of the oldest and best known herbs protect the body from degeneration and categorized as adaptogens. Adaptogens help our body adapt to the strains of daily living and normalize the body’s functions in the face of stressors, restoring homeostasis. Some have a systemic effect whilst others benefit specific systems. Many of them also regulate cell metabolism and support the immune system.

Leisure-time physical and community activities are associated with longer life expectancy, even at relatively low levels of activity and regardless of body weight. It is well known that people who engage in leisure-time physical activity had life expectancy gains of as much as 4.5 years. For triggers to activate genetic expression means avoid certain habits or substance will keep bad genes from showing up. Conversely, health-promoting habits like exercise and laughing daily, will keep the body humming for years to come.

Personal Assistant facilities to manage legal, financial planning, asset management, documentation, correspondence, just listening, Birthday, Anniversary, Greetings (genus), Real time updates to family / NOK, Ticketing*, STD*, ISD*, FAX*, Courier*, Banking*, Rent Collection*, Bill Payments*, Investment & Tax Management, Will*, visit CGHS*, ECHS*, Asset Management* to include Buying & Selling, Leasing & Renting etc

Member’s social calendar would be full of parties, festival celebrations and competition event, literature fests round the year. There are rural health and fitness trails. The activity zones include a badminton, Basket ball, outdoor gyms and putting greens, etc. Yes, with the latest pandemic, the facilities are sanitized and all protocols are in place with social distancing when on gets on group activities.

Members will be able to opt for fun vacations, exciting destinations and a wish list subscribed. The Trustees travel extensively and will optimize experiences not available in commercial travel packages. Travels would be completely managed to ensure personalized requirements as would be with own family. Again, special care would be taken to make ensure that protocols are adopted as per the changing paradigms in bio security and safety.

Set up a Rural Shark Tank and support youth and women entrepreneurs. Successful business would accrue shareholding benefits to the Angel Investors. A few projects have been received and are being evaluated by a panel of investors. You may register your intent to invest in the equity of project offerings as per members personal preferences and appetite.
Priority Allocation of Admission into Total Care

Total Care means total care with love and affection. Whats more, loved ones have an option to come into the living space at any time through high speed internet for an almost immersive shared experience. Total care focuses on total health, i.e., physical, social, economic, psychological, and spiritual aspects.
Options exist for couples or pairs to share a room. Single room rooms comes with an attendant bed and visitors can stay at no extra cost for accommodation. Homely guest rooms are available for family visits..

Top of the line equipment. Nasogastric Feeding (Ryles Tube Feeding, PEG Feeding), Water Bed / Alpha Bed, Wound / Bedsore avoidance, Oxygen, Nebulisation, Access to Specialist Consultants, Access to super specialty hospitals (30 mins), Ambulance (24/7), height adjustable Wheel Chair for the Shower, water proof panic alarm, width adjustable toilet frame, etc.

Natural plant foods diet will restore health and vitality. Vegetable powerhouse will aim at activating body’s natural detoxification systems and inhibit growth of cancer cells. Nutrient dense cruciferous vegetables phytochemical sulforaphane will strengthen blood vessel and fend off heart diseases. Salad greens with B-vitamin folates, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids will enhance absorption of nutrients. And seeds, berries, beans, garlic, mushrooms and tomatoes will be infused through our Chef’s expertise.